
The Greatest Mystery of Hindu Deities

Hindu religion is the only religion in the world who have a multitude of gods and goddesses. And there is a belief in peoples that the whole universe is the creation of Hindu Gods. The most principal of Hindu gods is the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. According to hindu religion history these three are the creator and the generations of mankind. With the help of Nav Hindu you get to know about the great mystery of Hindu Deities in full detail.

Origion of Lord Brahma

We all heard about the divine trinity of Hinduism, This consists of the three main gods and these includes Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Lord Brahma is also known by the name of father of Dharma. There are many stories related to the origin of Brahma. Some say that he is the son of God and was born of supreme being Brahman and the divine female energy known by the name of Maya. The desire to create the universe, Brahman firstly creates water and he placed his seed in it. The seed converts into a golden egg from which Brahma appeared. While other believes that Brahma is self born, grew from lord Vishnu navel.

Interesting Things About Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu is one of the main deities of the Hindu religion which is known as the Supreme Being in its Vaishnavism tradition. If we explore the Hindu Itihas, we get to know that Lord Vishnu is the preserver and upholder of Dharma and also the part of the Hindu Trinity. It is composed in the scripture writings about Lord Vishnu that: 'Shantakaram Bhujagshayanam' 'शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं'' which means Vishnu is resting on the serpent (Sheshnag).

Lord Shiva
Different peoples recoganise him with different names like Mahadev, Shiva, Shankar, koteshwar, Mahesh and many more. Lord Shiva also known as the destroyer of wickedness. He couldn't endure foul play and devastated the evil rakshasas in a fair way. Even we ought to attempt to keep zero resilience for the evil happening around us and stand firm against bad things and injustice.

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